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black-crowned night heron at takeoff |
see also this previous post
1) Here's a list of links to collections of intriguing POEMS on Canadian-related topics that can be found in posts on this blog. The shorter 'terse verses' of 1 or 2 stanzas are enumerated; the titles of additional longer poems with 3 stanzas or more ('brief sagas') are noted specifically in this tabulation.
For the larger collections, grouped in multiple sets, you can follow further links at the bottom of the primary post to proceed from 'part #1' to the next set on that topic.
#2 8
#3 4 + "Newfoundland Potato Famine"
+ "Chemainus, B.C."
Toront-oases (verse) 7
SUMMARY OF POETRY POSTS RELATED TO CANADA: In these 8 collections, we have accumulated more than 50 poems related to the Canadian experience, of average length 6+ lines each, along with plenty of explanatory notes and illustrative photos; mulling over this assemblage of 300 lines of verse might be a good way to fill a dull winter evening. Join the party!
2) Here's a list of links to PARODY SONG-LYRICS about Canada found in posts on our companion blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense".
In some cases the original tune used for the song-base of the satire might not be obvious to the reader, so we have listed them all below.
An Alien Heading South "Englishman in New York"
(a pair-ody) + "Mr. Spaceman"
Big Rob Rehab Clinic "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Flight of the Loonie "O Canada"
In Days of York (school reunion) "The Maple Leaf Forever"
Lost Country "Lost River"
Nifty Ways to Leave Your Mukluks "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover"
Off-Patent Drug #19 "Love Potion Number Nine"
Prattle of New Orleans "The Battle of New Orleans"
Something to Groan About "Something to Sing About"
Suburbs' Guy "Jambalaya"
The Maple Leaf Ad Infinitum "The Maple Leaf Forever"
Thunder Bay "Istanbul (not Constanstinople)"
Trailerparky "Greensleeves"
TTC Voices "New River Train"
Vancouver's Isle "Black Velvet Band"
Verse! "Up!" (Shania Twain)
3) Here's a list of links to WORDPLAY-DISPLAYS based on anagrams (letter scrambles) for key phrases dealing with Canadian issues, as featured in posts in the archives of this blog -- "Edifying Nonsense".
Each of the enumerated posts consist of a collection of slides; the number of posts is displayed for each topic-based collection.
Scramble-Towns of Eastern Canada 5 posts, 17 wordplay maps, 75 anagrams
Anagram-Maps, R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N-S 6 posts, 21 wordplay maps, 300 anagrams
4) Here's a list of links to PHOTO-COLLAGES dealing with Canadian issues, as featured in posts in the archives of "Daily Edifying Nonsense". (Each "composite" displays 4-11 photos)
art-installations in the parks (2 composites)
Brickworks (3 composites)
Conservatory (Allan Gardens)
golden pond (High Park)
High Park and its Zoo (2 composites)
Leslie Street Spit (4 composites)
Riverdale Farm (2 composites)
Scarborough Bluffs (2 composites)
stormy Ashbridge's Bay
Toronto Islands (3 composites)
Toronto Zoo (2 composites)
Hikes, Bikes and Likes (31 composites)
Fall colour tour (4 composites)
unusual sightings (Ontario wildlife)
Cirque du Soleil's "Echo" (3 postings)
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