Saturday, 5 October 2024

Aerial Chorus: WHAT'S UP?


Contrails and chemtrails
Eos 221 (Dawn's endless night)
Honk (geese in-formation)

Author's Note: In previous verses at OEDILF, there is a discussion of contrails, and of chemtrails. Conspiracy theories have been discussed at length with various interpretations, as seen here.

Author's Note: The asteroid known by astronomers as 221 Eos is apparently a large orbiting body with a diameter of over 100 km. It has a potential, should it strike the Earth, to bring about an extinction similar to that produced 60 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaur population.
  Like most heavenly bodies, this one was named after a figure from Greco-Roman mythology, Eos (Aurora), the Goddess of Dawn; the irony is apparent. Click HERE for another nonsensical poem about Aurora/Eos and learn more about the legend.

Author's Note: The author is thinking here of wild geese, like the Canada goose, taking a more favorable view than he did in an earlier verse that you can find HERE. The V-formation is characteristic of, but not unique to, flights of their flocks.


To resume the sequence of daily titillations on our related blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings at the bottom of the page, and check the daily offerings for any month from the start of 2020 until December 2024. 

As of December 2024, there are 1800 unique entries available on the daily blog, displaying individual poems (often illustrated) and wordplay, but also with some photo-collages and parody song-lyrics. Most of their key elements, particularly the poems are also presented here on "Edifying Nonsense" in topic-based collections, such as this one. The "Daily" format also has the advantage of including some song-lyrics, videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

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