Conservatory (Allan Gardens)
Humber Bay Park
Toronto ravines
Glen Stewart Park
Crother Woods
Floating Islands (Brickworks)
Riverdale Farm
Authors' Note: We are fortunate to have moved into an apartment building just across the street from a public conservatory whose warm, humid, glass-roofed galleries offer the visitor views and dreams of escape to tropical floral environments. Visits are especially reinvigorating on dark and depressing winter days, and admission is free!
You might also enjoy reviewing photo-enhanced poetry posts related to poinsettias, koi, red-eared sliders(turtles), Ontario cactuses, and Leda and the Swan at the same destination.
To learn more about Toronto Ravines, see the exciting three previous posts entitled "Hikes, Bikes and Likes: TORONTO RAVINES" #1, #2, and #3.
If your crank is turned (to turn a phrase) by the photographic and poetic material you have been viewing here, you might risk proceeding to a related post entitled "Ontario Nostalgia".
To resume the sequence of daily titillations on our related blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings at the bottom of the page, and check the daily offerings for any month from the start of 2020 until December 2024.
As of December 2024, there are 1800 unique entries available on the daily blog, displaying individual poems (often illustrated) and wordplay, but also with some photo-collages and parody song-lyrics. Most of their key elements are also presented here on "Edifying Nonsense" in topic-based collections, such as this one. The "Daily" format also has the advantage of including some song-lyrics, videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.
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