WORDPLAY post #66
Weekly postings of palindromes, Scrambletown Maps (creative cartography), binomial phrases, limericks, etc.
AUTHOR/EDITOR: Giorgio Coniglio, 2017.
HOT LINK: See the entire collection of Magical Palindromes
#1. “ No marks – All I will ask”, Ramón. Pedro, the Goofy ‘Dromer
#2a. Six at my gym. Taxis!
b. Go deliver a fare, vile dog. Pedro, the Goofy
#3a. Semite Times.
#4. Bombard a drab mob. Ed, the Derailed Liar
#5. Must sell at tallest sum. Ed, the Derailed Liar
#6. Ed under Deb’s bed; red, nude. Hal Lelujah
#7. Dennis, Nell, Edna, Ada and Ellen sinned. Hal Lelujah
[For Ada, substitute palindromic names e.g. Eve, Hannah, Ava, Otto, Lil, Nan etc.]
#8. Dennis’ tennis sin-net sinned. Hal Lelujah