Thursday, 29 December 2016

Classic Palindromes A to H: Plus Giorgio's GOOFIER Variants

WORDPLAY post #20
CREATIVE WORDPLAY, based on "classic" palindromes.
EDITED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2017.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

A Review: Composing Your Own PALINDROMES

WORDPLAY post #19
CREATIVE WORDPLAY including ad hoc examples
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2017.

Classic Palindromes  

Here are the 40 or so palindromes used in the parody-song "Bob" by Weird Al Yankovic; 
these were presumably selected for inclusion in the song based on being short, easy to pronounce, and potentially rhymable.

We arranged them alphabetically for your convenience. The Youtube link for the song is found here.

A dog, a panic in a pagoda.
Ah, Satan sees Natasha.
A Toyota's a Toyota.
Do geese see God?
Do nine men interpret? Nine men I nod.
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.
God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!
I, man, am regal- a German am I.
If I had a hi-fi.
Lisa Bonet ate no basil.
Lonely Tylenol. 
Madam, I'm Adam.
Ma is as selfless as I am.
May a moody baby doom a yam?
"Naomi", I moan.
Never odd or even.
No devil lived on.
No lemons, no melon.
No 'x' in Nixon.
Not a banana baton.
Now I see bees I won.
Nurse I spy gypsies - run!
O Geronimo, no minor ego.
O, stone, be not so.
Oh no! Don Ho!
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo.
Pa's a sap. 
Race fast safe car.
Rats live on no evil star.
Rise to vote, sir.
Senile felines.
Too bad I hid a boot.
Too hot to hoot.
UFO tofu.
Warsaw was raw.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
We panic in a pew.
Won't lovers revolt now?

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Weekly Wordplay

WORDPLAY post #18
Periodic postings of palindromes, Scramble-Town Maps (creative cartography), binomial phrases, limericks, etc. 

SONGLINK: For those readers who like poetry set to music: You can find lots of singable limerick-medleys and other spoofs on our sister blog "SILLY SONGS and SATIRE", such as this recent post

HOT LINKS to collections of Classic/Goofy Palindromes #1,#2,#3

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Weekly Wordplay

WORDPLAY post #17
Periodic postings of palindromes, Scramble-Town Maps (creative cartography), binomial phrases, limericks, etc. 

SONGLINK: For those readers who like poetry set to music: You can find lots of singable limerick-medleys and other spoofs on our sister blog "SILLY SONGS and SATIRE", such as this recent post

Monday, 5 December 2016

Analysis of the 2016 American Election: The ROLE of ANAGRAMS

WORDPLAY post #16
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2016, revised February, 2017.
SONGLINK: On "Giorgio's Ukable Parodies", post #122, a parody-song "Election-Race Anagrams" deals with the distribution of anagrams based on the words R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N-S and D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S.
 As shown below, a non-biased assessment using an automatic anagram generator suggests that Republicans would have a yu-uge advantage over Democrats in a contest based on the number of anagrams; however, the generation of plausible anagrammatic locales incorporating postal codes is a more complex matter, and results in a tighter 'race' than would otherwise be expected. A conspiracy theorist might note that the word 'ruble' is embedded in the word "REPUBLICANS", but the editor does not wish to give any credence to such a possibility. There is however some relation between anagrams derived and party leanings, policy and support that is shown in the 2nd slide.
  This material was developed before the election of November 2016, with the initial hope that it might be helpful in predicting election results.  What do YOU think?

Friday, 25 November 2016

CANALINDROMES: A Trip in Both Directions Through the Panama Canal

ORIGINAL SOURCES: Classic lists, e.g. PalindromeList (PL)Neil/Fred's Gigantic List of Palindromes. provide a portion of the palindromes; the remainder were composed by GC.

Leigh Mercer, a Briton, presumably invented the famous palindrome
    A man, a plan, a canal - Panama
Ben Jonson, inventor of 
the term palindrome


Some of these palindromic phrases and sentences fact deal with canal themes; some are selected due to the ultimate emphasis on intriguing place-names. 
Other phrases listed here are based on the well-recognized word order of Mercer's classic phrase.

A number of additional phrases were not included here, but for relevance were included in other topic-focused palindrome-collections on this blog, particularly post #8 (Culinary World), post #9 (Political Blurts), #12 (Satan), and #14 (Romance).]

A discussion of historical aspects, and some further examples are found at   Panama : Fun-with-Words.


Mercer's famous palindrome


Having fun with the classic palindrome has 
always been a source of delight. So here are a few examples from our collection of "Classic Palindromes and Goofy Variants"  to introduce the topic ... 


A cap, lass, an ass - alpaca.

A car, a man -  a maraca. [man can be substituted by mat, or map] 

A car, a man afar, a fan, a maraca.

A dog, a pagan, a nag - a pagoda.

A dog, a panic in a pagoda.

A dog, a plan, a cat, a bat, a canal - pagoda.

A flan, a final plan, if an Alfa. 

A ion, a rap - paranoia. [poor grammar excused, right?]

A lag, a man, a petite Panama - gala.

A lob, a rap, sin-net, tennis - parabola. 

A Maj., a panic in a pajama.

A Maj., a plat, a fan, a fatal pyjama.

A mall, a plan, a canal, Pa - llama.

A man, a pail, a loss, Olga - glossolalia (Panama).

A man, a pain, a mania - Panama.

A man, a palate et al. - a panama.

A man, a pan, a nab, a banana - Panama.

A man, a pang, a salad, a lasagna - Panama.

A man, a panino, O Nina - Panama.

A man, a panorama: Pam, Aron, a panama. 

A man, a pasta-salad; alas - 'at's-a Panama.

A man, a pat, a hat - a panama.

A man; a pat fan; el Can.-Am. manacle – NAFTA   (Panama).

A man, a pâté, feta - Panama.

A man, a penal-lane - Panama.

A man, a peon, a canoe - Panama.

A man, a person; no 's' re Panama.

A man, a pin-up, pun I -  Panama.

A man, a plain, Ed; denial -  Panama.

A man, a plan A - banal! - Panama. 

A man, a plan, a bat - a banal panama. [bat could be replaced by bat, bar, ball, bass

A man, a plan, a bar, a car -  a banal panama. ['a bar, a car' could be replaced by several options, e.g. a bat, a mat; a ban, a can - see below]

A man, a plan, a cab, a canal - Panama. [cab could be replaced by cad, can, cap, car, cat, also call 

A man, a plan, a call, a canal - Panama


A man, a plan, a cannon, a nonna, canal - Panama. [It. for grandma]

A man, a plan, a canoe: peon, a canal - Panama.

A man, a plan, a canon anon, a canal - Panama.  

A man, a plan, a cat, a hat, a canal - Panama. 

A man, a plan, acetate canal - Panama. 

A man, a plan, if B-- final! - Panama. 

A man, a plan, if C -- final! - Panama.  etc.

A man, a plan, I fall;  a final Panama.

A man, a plan, if B (if fib), final - Panama.

A man, a plan, if final - Panama.  

A man, a plane, venal! - Panama.

A man, a plate, stir grits et al. - Panama.

A man, a planet; ten, Al - Panama.

A man, a poem or Romeo - Panama.

A man, a poison. No! Sí! O Panama. 

A man, a pool, a deed, a loo - Panama.

A man, a poser-Pres – O, Panama!

A man, a poseur; rue so! – Panama.

A man, a pot, pogo; GOP to Panama.

A man, a POT-Elect, Cele – to Panama.

A man? A prison. No sir! Panama.  (contributed by Sarah Palindrome)

A man, a prop, rot, torpor - Panama. 

A man, a pun, gag, a banana bag, a gnu - Panama.

A man, a pun, gnat, a tan, gnu - Panama.

A man apart, Luc. Ultra? - Panama. [Fr. for 'hard-liner']

A man-ape: rare - Panama.

A man, app, eels asleep - Panama.

A man appals; I slap - Panama.

A man, apogee, ego - Panama.

A man, Apollo - Panama.

A man, Apple-Help - Panama.

A nab, a clan, a canal  - cabana.

A Nan, a ball, a hall -  a banana.

A nan, a brat, a tar - banana.

A nit, a plan, a canal - patina. 

A plan, a call, a canal - PA. ['PA' is Panama's international postal abbreviation]

A tip - "Le Falafel" - pita.

A yap, a Papa -  papaya.

Al let a plan, a canal - patella. [surgical ligament repair?]

Ale, map. Gals lag, Pamela.

Amen! enamor a Roman enema.  

Amen, icy cinema.

Art-seal, a plan, a canal - palaestra.

Ate plate, elk-cub, buckle et al. - PETA.

Dill, a plan, a canal - pallid.

Elle, canal a nacelle.  [Fr. - Look it up !]

Max. élan: I gave vaginal exam.

No lavatory? Rot! - Avalon.

No lavabos, (sob) - Avalon. 

No sir! plan a canal - Prison.

O Nina, place a caecal panino.  [It. - sandwich]

One man a polo-gigolo -  panameňo.

One man, a prism, Sir  -  panameňo.

One man, a prison? no Sir -  panameňo.

One man, a palate; snub buns et al. - a panameňo.

One man, Apollo - panameňo. [Sp. for a citizen of Panama]

One man, a perusal, a plan, a canal, pal? - A sure panameňo.

One man, a plan -A.C. (Canal Panameňo).

Satan, I plan a canal - piňatas.

Sine (p), a plan, a canal, Pa - p***s.

Sis, airy task - satyriasis.

Sugar, a psalm - (L.) asparagus.

And  finally.....

LAN, A.C., a man, Apple-Help - Panama Canal.

FOLLOW-UP NOTE: Owing to the number of palindromes dealing with other geographic sites, but analogous in structure to the iconic 'Panama Palindrome', 2 subsequent postings have been developed - see Post #65 and  Post #68