Saturday, 20 February 2021

FEB 20 (2020), TOURISTS' PALINDROMIC GUIDE: The Old World #3

This post represents a followup to these posts - Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Old World #1and  Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Old World #2.

SATIRE COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym) and Dr. G.H., 2018. 
WORDPLAY LINK: Geographically focused concoctions are among the many palindromic treasures honored and displayed on this site. Check out the list of entries for "The Palindrome Suite". 

Click HERE to continue to panels #19 through #24.

(Or, switch horses, and check out the series of helpful palindromes from the Americas, HERE!)

To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2022, there are 1000 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)

Monday, 15 February 2021

Even More Immersible Bird-Verse: WATERFOWL #3 (H to O)

PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym) and Dr. GH, July 2019, a continuation of prior blogposts on this topic. 

 The Omnificent English Dictionary ILimerick Form is an online humor dictionary that has accumulated over 100,000 carefully edited poems, including three hundred or so by Giorgio. The present collection of verses, recently submitted to OEDILF and still under review, represents a bird-brained continuation of earlier work on the same subject. 

Readers who enjoy our collections of verses describing the natural world around them with illustrative images and informative text, might also enjoy these blog-offerings...

Verses about Waterfowl, June '19
Verses about Waterfowl (part #2), July '19
Verses about Waterfowl (part #3), Apr '20, as above
Verses about Waterfowl (part #4 - Loons), Aug '20.
Verses about Waterfowl (part #5), Dec '20. 

PHOTOS: Unless otherwise noted (by pale blue acknowledgment plaques), embedded photographs were taken with and transferred from Giorgio's cellphone. Following submission of the poems to OEDILF, the slides collages we present here were formatted using Powerpoint software on a vintage 2000-era PC computer. No photographic subjects were reimbursed for participating in this undertaking, and OEDILF has no involvement in the pictorial portion of this presentation. 

American white ibis, Carolina lowcountry marsh at sunset

Hooded mergansers
Juvenile night herons
Laughing gulls
Little blue herons
Loons (see the collection "defining verse")
Mallard ducks
Mute swans

Bird-watchers, academic ornithologists, wordplay enthusiasts, wildlife photographers, Giorgio's relatives, and just everyday folks have united in their demand for still more illustrated doggerel on this topic!
So, please follow this link

To resume daily titillations on our related blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2023, there are over 1200 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format also has the advantage of including some videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Commercial Venture: PORTRAITS of COUPLES, #1

Giorgio and I have decided, despite the limitations of the new pandemic lockdown regulations, to undertake a novel business venture -- family photographic portraiture.
Please call or email to make an appointment with our staff for a photo-shoot, which can be conducted in your front yard, sidewalk or parking area. Owing to the inclement weather, clothing (other than pyjamas or gym-shorts) is recommended.

With the approval of our earliest clients, I will post some samples here over the next few days for your perusal.

Best wishes,

Giorgio / Dr. G.H.

CURRENT CONTENTS (first group)
Introductory proposal
domestic turkeys
Adam and Eve
Aurora and Cephalus 
black swans 
black-crowned night herons
black-necked swans 
broad-headed skinks 
Canada geese 





We know that you are itching to review more of this photo-portfolio. So, you can do just that by clicking HERE

To resume daily titillations on our related blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of June 2024, there are about 1500 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on "Edifying Nonsense" in topic-based collections, such as this one.) The 'Daily' format also has the advantage of including some song-lyrics, videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

Friday, 5 February 2021

American Satire: A TERM of ENDIREMENT #1

This blogpost is the first in a series ...

Author's Note: In the political swirl leading up to the US presidential election, a national convention is a meeting of party delegates to nominate candidates for office and to adopt party rules and platforms. In 2016, these gatherings proceeded in their conventional format, Note that in 2020, with restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, national conventions were held primarily as on-line events.

Author's Note: 

IOC: International Olympic Committee
  The fanciful concept of medals being awarded to a 'hacking team' grew out of the conjunction of developments in 2017 and 2018, notably (i) censure of Russian athletic organizations, including subsequent retraction of Olympic medals, and (ii) investigations into Russian efforts to sway the results of past and upcoming American presidential elections. 

Author's Note: Generally, anagrams give results which are bizarre, unexpected and somewhat random, like "fake news". At least to his current detractors, there may appear to be a compelling stories hidden in these anagrams (italicized) of the name of the 45th U.S. President, but in fact the possible links are coincidental.  It should be remembered that composers of wordplay, such as anagrams and palindromes, do not 'invent' the material, but only report it.

Author's Note  The results of the acrimonious U.S. presidential election in November 2016 caused despondency and resentment in some segments of the population. Donald J. Trump ran a successful campaign under the slogan "Make America Great Again", and won the electoral college majority. After the election, there was considerable distraction by unproductive disputes over the popular vote, possible voter fraud, and the size of crowds at inaugurations.


Owing to intense demand for more verses of this type, we have worked hard to accommodate your wishes; in fact there are now seven such collections! So, you can view another collection of these heart- and gut-wrenching verses by clicking this link !

  If you have enjoyed these verses on the theme of American political satire, you might like to proceed to view other items in our collection including:
- 'a brief saga: Mar-a-Lago
- 'political palindromes A through P' (click HERE to start).
There are also some parody-song lyrics posted in 2019 and 2020, that you might like, including: 
- 'The Ballad of Giuliani', part I and part II.   


If you have an undeniable urge to sing these lyrics, we have the tools to help. Grab your guitar or ukulele, remember the tune used for the verse of "Home on the Range"as sung by Gene Autry on YouTube HERE, and then follow the bouncing ball! (These are just suggestions; any of the poetic stanzas can be modified slightly to work as either a verse or chorus for the song) 

The Re[D]publicans [D7]gathered in [G]Cleaveland [Gm]

Bleat the [D]mantras of [E9]Trump's make-be[A7]lieve land:

They crave [D]more law-and-[D7]order 

(Wall out [G]wolves at the [Gm]border!)

For their [D]nominee's [A9]heart-on-your[D]-sleeve land.

Bless the [D]Home-of the-[A7]Brave-and the-[D]Free land.

Now that [D]Hillary's [G]pilloried, [D]Trump

Is our 
[E9]Prez-elect like it or [A7]lump

It. Some [D]folks vote for [D7]jerks,

Thus de[G]mocracy [Gm]works --

Seems A[D]merica's [A7]slated to [D]slump.

To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2022, there are 1000 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)