EDITED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2017.
SONG LINK: A song about legal doublets can be found at our sister-blogsite Giorgio's Ukable Parodies.
The song, entitled "Formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic doublets" has lyrics substituted into the musical hit "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
Explanatory note:

Many knowledgeable lay people, and some legal authorities feel that this over-used jargon is designed to confuse rather than enlighten, and should be a major target in the struggle to make legal documents more generally comprehensible. In some contexts, the redundant phrase "terms and conditions" has been disallowed.
Clear, Correct, Concise and Complete is a motto in the campaign to improve written English used in the legal context. Unfortunately, "legalese" and legal professionals may be inseparable.
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